Monday, August 3, 2009


Kayleen and I found out that you can still go see a movie even with a baby. If you go to a drive in movie theater, no one cares if the baby is screaming because she only stopping her parents from watching the movie. The drive in had some decent movies out. We saw the new Harry Potter movie, which I felt very uncomfortable throughout it. I felt the movie was mostly about teenagers with raging hormones. The other movie was the new Zack Efron flick "17 Again." I wont say to much about it since I know Pat has not seen it, but I thought it was pretty original. Now on with the pictures.
Here is Louisa at the drive in. She preferred to be outside of the hot car.
Recently Kayleen and I trimmed some ivy. Since Kayleen and I had to work, we felt that Louisa should too. She doesn't get free room and board.
Louisa went in a swing for the first time on Sunday.
At first she didn't show much emotion but she soon started laughing and was having a good time.

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