Monday, October 25, 2010

Some dude went to Top Pot

I work downtown close to Top Pot doughnuts, a Seattle icon and ranked highly as one of the best places for doughnuts in the US. (Well, some of us at work actually prefer doughnuts from Pike Place market and others like pastries from Whole Foods.) Anyways, on Thursday traffic was unusually bad and it was because Obama was in town. We joked about how Obama would have breakfast at Top Pot but didn't really expect it. Well rumors started going around that Obama was in fact going to Top Pot. I looked outside and saw where once had been a steady stream of slow moving cars was now clear and there was a man in a suit standing outside. Pretty much everyone in the office headed outside and I came out just in time to see Obama's motorcade turn onto the street. I pulled out my camera to watch him walk inside the store but to al of our surprise he walked across the street and shook people's hands. (Including me!)

This is my video evidence. My smart phone was being a pain and just recording Obama made the video corrupt and it took me a day to fix the video. The audio still doesn't work.

My family has been a little uneasy around me now since I shook the "chosen one's" hand. They have been more accepting since I did confirm to them that I've filled out my ballot for Dino Rossi.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Something to brighten your day

On Sunday Kayleen had an Alter Society meeting which meant I got to watch Louisa at church. As we waited in the church hall I pulled out my cell phone to entertain Louisa, she can be pretty vain and loves to see pictures and movies of herself. (Well, it may be more of a fascination of seeing herself on a screen than vanity.) So I casually took a picture of her by putting the phone in front of me and trying to find the button on the phone to take the picture. This is the photo I got. I was pretty surprised because I couldn't see what I was even taking a picture of.

I have a smart phone so I downloaded an app that takes retro looking pictures, that is why the picture looks the way it does.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Busy week

We've been pretty busy the last couple of weeks and so that is one minor part as to why I haven't been blogging regularly. the other reasons are that our computers are starting to become more and more buggy. We are probably going to need to buy a new computer soon. my computer is having a difficult time connecting to the internet and also it doesn't like having more than one program running at any given time. Sometimes it doesn't even like one program to run at all. Kayleen's computer needs to be replaced for several reasons as well, one is that she is running Vista. The other is that Louisa has kindly removed the extra keys...

Since my computer is not working to well, I'm actually using Kayleen's keyboard. I guess it just makes things take a little longer.

I plan on blogging later on Salmon days in Issaquah, a festival that I went to growing up and something Kayleen, Louisa and I went to last year and two weeks ago. I will end this post with the writings of JoseMaria Escriva that I happened to read yesterday.

"Saints and not abnormal cases to be studied by a modernistic doctor. They were - they are - normal, with flesh like yours. And they conquered."

Monday, October 4, 2010


Louisa's vocabulary has been increasing so much lately. Depending on her mood she will sometimes surprise us with what she can say. I was asking Louisa to say some words and here is one she was pretty good at. I wonder why?

Sorry about the angle and the audio quality, I took this with my phone and didn't realize how they wanted me to hold my phone for taking a video.

Also, here is another deep thought by Pat.