Thursday, January 22, 2009

All quiet on the Western front

Kayleen still has not gone into labor yet. It's a little frustrating just because the doctor made it sound like there was a good chance we would have the baby over the weekend so Kayleen and I have been ready to leave at a moments notice to run to the hospital. Well, over the weekend all Kayleen had were those Braxton-Hicks contractions. Then we were sure it would happen in the beginning of the week but we ended up being wrong. Now we are going into our scheduled doctor's appointment. Kayleen was 2cm dilated last time, we are hoping we don't get stuck at the hospital because Kayleen is too dilated.

Also, today is E's birthday, happy birthday E!

Also, today is the anniversary of Roe Vs. Wade decision. This is the day that Pro-Lifers march on the capitol for the rights of the unborn. Recently I have been looking up videos about FOCA, freedom of choice agreement bill, and so I have been looking at the arguments made by the so called "pro-choicers." I get tired of their arguments because if you take a little time to think about them, they are lies. (Also, in case you don't know about FOCA, it's a bill that would lift pretty much every restriction on abortion in every state. I'm surprised that such a bill could abolish a states own rights, it doesn't seem like such a bill is something the founding fathers wanted when they started this country.)

1) "Don't like abortion? Don't have one!"
I have seen several cars with this bumper sticker and this is just an absurd statement. If they think about why people are against abortion, they will realize it's because people believe that the child in the mother is alive and an abortion is murdering that child. So therefore they are saying that we should just ignore the murder of millions of victims that cannot speak for themselves.

2) "Keep you laws off my body!"
This one I was just thinking about recently and now I want to know how people can claim that something that may not have the same blood type and that doesn't have the same DNA as the mother can still be called part of the same body? Looking at it from the fathers perspective I was thinking about how the baby is a little bit of the mommy and a little bit of the daddy. Any woman that days it's still just their body is lying because they are writing off the father completely. In my experience, anti-abortion demonstrations are places where men's voices are not as respected or cared for. I was in a college club at WSU and there were some people who wanted to have an anti-abortion demenstration but the idea was turned down because most of the people in the club were guys and it was decided that abortion was a woman's issue.

3) The coat hanger.
Women will hold posters picturing a coat hanger saying that they don't think it's right that a woman should risk her life to have an abortion. That if it become illegal for abortions then you will still have abortions going on, but many women will die trying to perform this evil act on themselves or in a back ally abortion clinic. To me this is the same as saying that murders need to be protected when they are trying to commit murder.

4) The "pot calling the kettle black" argument.
Some pro-choice supporters (Actually, I'm going to start refering as pro-abortion because I think that people should choose whether they have a child, but once that baby is conceived, that choice has been made.) say "How can you claim to be for life with babies but support death with the death penalty? Therefore you are hipocrits and your voice doesn't count." Well, that last part I added in, but that is the point of their argument it seems. Well, first of all, a lot of people that are pro life, are not supporters of the death penalty. Also, those that do support the death penalty don't support the death of random people but people that have done horrible things that they are deemed a danger to society. It seems like here the pro abortion people are just trying to say that pro-lifers can't claim to have the moral high ground here and they are trying to drag pro-lifers down and claim that they are at the same level.

And to end my post, here is a Glenn McCoy Comic:

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