Friday, July 17, 2009

Vacation time!

These pictures are from our family vacation at the beginning of the the month. I'm just getting around to posting them.

Since Daddy is out of work, we decided that it was a good time to take a family vacation! Time for some fun in the sun!

We stopped by a river to eat lunch. Some kids were doing cannonballs into the water. I'm pretty sure they were crazy because the river is freshly melted glacial water and was freezing!

Every building in the town is built with this Bavarian style, even the gas stations, fast food places (Like McDonalds and Starbucks).

And here is the Starbucks we just had to visit.

The hotel had a putt putt course that they let guests use free.
Here we are on our drive up to the mountains.
Here is an overall view of the putt putt course. As you have probably noticed, these pictures are not in order. I'm not sure if blogspot sorts them for you when you upload them or what, but I could have sworn I uploaded them in the right order. I'll just blame blogspot. It's easier than admitting that it was my own fault.
And finally here is a family picture. Louisa was much happier than she looks in the picture. I promise.

1 comment:

petitcompaore said...

I love Louisa's frown in that last picture. Priceless.